September 22, 2014

A note from our Director on our Academic Tour to Weimar

The historic Anna Amalia Library in Weimar

A somber day . . .
Today began our first academic tour of the semester that compliments our courses "Christian Worldview and Apologetics" and "European-German History" -- with a stop in Flossenburg where Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed April 9, 1945, only days before the concentration camp was liberated by the Americans.  After Dr. Baker gave the AMBEX students an overview of Bonhoeffer's life the group sang a hymn near the cell he spent his last night alive on this earth but started a new life the morrow. "This is the end — for me the beginning of life."
Later in the afternoon we stopped at the Friedrich Nietzsche Archives where he who said: "God is dead" spent the last few years of his life in Weimar.  Take away:  Students experienced a vivid and unforgettable contrast in Worldviews between Bonhoeffer and Nietzsche.
Tomorrow we study German Classicism and the Enlightenment in Weimar - the epicenter.  In the morning we visit the residences of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and later in the day the home of Friedrick Schiller "German Shakespeare".  Other sites we will visit/study:  the famed Anna Amalia Library, Johann Herder's Church, Albert Schweitzer Monument, Christof Wieland, JS Bach, Franz Liszt, etc.
Our first academic tour of the semester ends this Sunday after we visit Buchenwald Concentration Camp and the life of Paul Schneider "Pastor of Buchenwald", a true martyr.
The point of this tour is for students to understand the progression and grasp the limits of evil all the while seeing the sovereignty and grace of God ultimately prevail.
Thank you for partnering with us to make this education possible.

In His grace,
Jerry Orr
Director, AMBEX

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